Teenager prepares for solo parachute jump for RAF charity

Cadet Cpl Jessica Brown, from 1279 Melton Mowbray Squadron, the new A4 Force Elements Commanders Cadet at RAF Wittering EMN-200809-160222001Cadet Cpl Jessica Brown, from 1279 Melton Mowbray Squadron, the new A4 Force Elements Commanders Cadet at RAF Wittering EMN-200809-160222001
Cadet Cpl Jessica Brown, from 1279 Melton Mowbray Squadron, the new A4 Force Elements Commanders Cadet at RAF Wittering EMN-200809-160222001
A Melton air cadet is preparing to do a solo parachute jump to raise money for a charity which supports RAF veterans, serving personnel and their families.

Jessica Brown, a member of 1279 (Melton Mowbray) Squadron Air Training Corps, will leap out of an aircraft at 3,500ft to complete the challenge on Sunday.

Proceeds from her efforts, which are timed to coincide with the annual commemoration of Battle of Britain Day, will go to the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA).

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Jessica, who is a member of the Melton branch 
of RAFA, said: “I want to 
give back to the RAF family after the sacrifice that they make for us to have a normal life that some take for granted.

“With being a member of the RAFA, I get to see first hand all of the amazing ways in which they help those in the RAF and their families!

“The Royal Air Forces Association is the charity that those in the RAF turn to when they are in need of help.”

Brian Fare, the Wings Appeal co-ordinator for the Melton RAFA branch, said the charity, which last year helped more than 85,000 people by providing practical, emotional and financial support, needed the public’s support more than ever this year due to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.

Go online to https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JessicaBrown49 to donate money to Jessica’s fundraising effort.