Rose's hair chop raises over £350 for good cause

Rose Hardiman (9), gets a haircut for the Little Princess TrustRose Hardiman (9), gets a haircut for the Little Princess Trust
Rose Hardiman (9), gets a haircut for the Little Princess Trust
A generous nine-year-old from Stathern is rocking a new style following a drastic charity haircut which has raised more than £350 for the Little Princess Trust.

Rose Hardiman who attends Harby Primary School, had ten inches of her long, blonde hair cut at the Sophie Kitson Hair studio in Bottesford, on Saturday.

Rose who lost her grandmother to cancer decided to fundraise in her memory and is donating her locks to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which makes real hair wigs for youngsters who have lost their own through cancer treatment.

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Rose’s proud mum Kay said: “It has been a very moving experience, to realise how many people want to help Rose raise money for cancer and how many people are effected by it.

Rose Hardiman (9), after her haircut for the Little Princess TrustRose Hardiman (9), after her haircut for the Little Princess Trust
Rose Hardiman (9), after her haircut for the Little Princess Trust

“Friends and family and even people we have never met have supported her endeavour. Rose has managed to raise £375.50 so thank you to everyone.”

Rose added: “I feel happy that I’ve helped out and It’s a nice surprise that so many people have donated money. My head feels a lot lighter too!”

l To donate to Rose’s fundraiser visit