Melton mum Amy gears up for first Robin Hood Half Marathon run in aid of epilepsy charity

Melton mum Amy Parr with her daughter Lillie EMN-160308-095924001Melton mum Amy Parr with her daughter Lillie EMN-160308-095924001
Melton mum Amy Parr with her daughter Lillie EMN-160308-095924001
Melton mum Amy Parr is gearing up to run her first Robin Hood Half Marathon next month in aid of Epilepsy Action - a cause close to her heart.

Amy (32) explained: “In May 2012 when my daughter, Lillie, was seven years old she was admitted to hospital urgently. This was a very frightening time and I was honestly uncertain as to whether or not she would make it out of the resuscitation unit.

“I can honestly say that this was the most frightening encounter as a parent that I’ve ever faced. Seeing her unresponsive to treatment was utterly terrifying. Lillie then made a good recovery, but we were both somewhat traumatised from the experience that she faced.

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“Things went quiet until Lillie then went on to have another extremely intense long seizure, in January 2013, that did not respond well to treatment. This time she was in the children’s intensive care unit for two days. “Again this was a fearful time. Thankfully Lillie’s strength got her through this. She had a good period of time with no seizure activity, but then in March 2015 she started having absences. These increased rapidly to a point that she was having 10 or more a day.

“It was at this point in time that Lillie was given the diagnosis of epilepsy and medication to manage this. “This was huge relief for us and thankfully Lillie has now responded well to the medication. She is now on a medication that suits her and controls her seizure. Lillie is now able to do everything that other children her age do, only she is shadowed by the anxiety that she is left with as a result of this trauma.

“Lillie was lucky. There are other families out there that aren’t so lucky and I want to be able to support a charity that is able to help them through this troubling time.”

Amy, who lives in Halifax Drive, works at Melton’s Latham House Medical Practice as a care co-ordinator, employed by Leicestershire County Council. She will be striding out on September 25 alongside her close friend, Dani Woodward.

To sponsor Amy visit her fundraising page at

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