Attackers leave Melton man with broken jaw

Latest news EMN-210309-175002001Latest news EMN-210309-175002001
Latest news EMN-210309-175002001
A man aged in his 20s was left with a broken jaw after being attacked by two men in Melton in the early hours of Saturday.

Detectives are appealing for witnesses following the violent incident, which took place in St Mary’s Way, between 2am and 3am.

Police say one man head-butted the victim and the other assailant punched him in the head.

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Following the assault, the man who was attacked left the area but was later admitted to hospital.

No-one has so far been arrested in connection with the incident and an investigation is continuing.

Det Con Sophie Young, of Leicestershire Police, said: “This assault happened in the early hours of the morning close to a nightclub – therefore I believe there are members of the public who will have seen what happened.

“I would like to speak to anyone who witnessed the incident and who is able to provide information that could help my investigation.”

Information can be passed on to police online by visiting quoting reference 21*515840 or by calling 101.