Frisby author’s fundraising book inspired by son’s serious illness

Jeff Brown with a copy of his fundraising travel book EMN-200112-114754001Jeff Brown with a copy of his fundraising travel book EMN-200112-114754001
Jeff Brown with a copy of his fundraising travel book EMN-200112-114754001
A Frisby travel writer, whose son’s life was threatened during his battle with meningitis and septicaemia, has raised hundreds of pounds towards research into the diseases with his latest book.

Jeff Brown’s ‘An Ordinary Man’s Travels In An Extraordinary World’ covers his seven trips throughout his life across Europe, India, Australia, Peru, Namibia, Mexico and Guatemala.

The final diary in the book covers his journey through intensive care with 11-year-old son, Jothi, who developed meningitis and severe sepsis in 2009,

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At that time Jothi’s life hung in the balance but he survived a harrowing two weeks in intensive care.

Jothi Brown, now 11, who survived a potentially deadly bout of meningitis, with mum Bharathi and dad Jeff EMN-200112-114215001Jothi Brown, now 11, who survived a potentially deadly bout of meningitis, with mum Bharathi and dad Jeff EMN-200112-114215001
Jothi Brown, now 11, who survived a potentially deadly bout of meningitis, with mum Bharathi and dad Jeff EMN-200112-114215001

The after-affects damaged the growth plates in his knees and ankles, which help the legs grow.

Jothi has periodically undergone painful leg-breaking operations which have helped to stretch and straighten his legs.

Jeff is donating 80 per cent of his royalties to the Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) from a book, which he says is both humorous and informative.

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He promises readers will hear about a variety of incidents and activities, including a hairy male bridesmaid, a four-year-old adviser to the gods, tears, heroes, lucky pants, Napoleon, lots of tea and a guest appearance from the 1980s’ pop star Belinda Carlisle.

Jeff Brown behind a copy of his fundraising travel book EMN-200112-114744001Jeff Brown behind a copy of his fundraising travel book EMN-200112-114744001
Jeff Brown behind a copy of his fundraising travel book EMN-200112-114744001

Jeff is also backing the MRF’s campaign to help ensure that people still seek and receive their routine vaccinations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The charity wants to make sure people understand that when you take your loved ones to get vaccinated, you are not only providing lifesaving protection to them, you are also contributing to greater protection for your entire community.

This is because certain people, with weak immune systems, or certain diseases, cannot receive some types of vaccines and so rely on others to help protect them by getting vaccinated.

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This helps rates of infection fall among the general population.

Jothi Brown (11), who survived a potentially deadly bout of meningitis EMN-200112-114233001Jothi Brown (11), who survived a potentially deadly bout of meningitis EMN-200112-114233001
Jothi Brown (11), who survived a potentially deadly bout of meningitis EMN-200112-114233001

Jeff added: “The book has raised over £1,500 so far and, hopefully, it can raise a smile whilst raising awareness of the Meningitis Research Foundation’s current campaign.”

Go to for further details about the Meningitis Research Foundation, including their symptom checker.

Jeff’s book is available from most online book stores including Amazon.