Leagues looking unlikely but cup action may still be going ahead

Ryan Parmar and Di Burdett.Ryan Parmar and Di Burdett.
Ryan Parmar and Di Burdett.
The COVID-19 outbreak may have scuppered plenty of summer sport, but action continues at Melton Mowbray Tennis Club... even if some competitions won’t be going ahead.

Play in the Senior and Junior Summer Leagues is looking now to be very unlikely although the county are hoping to save the Leicester Mercury Cup which, at present, is held by Melton Mowbray Tennis Club.

Despite the pandemic, the club are remaining upbeat and members are already back on court, practising, playing singles and now doubles with all the safety measures in place to comply with the government and the LTA guidelines.

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Head Coach Di Burdett and young assistant Ryan Parmar have been both been kept busier than ever by club members of all ages wanting to brush up on their strokes after the lockdown. Veteran Coach Brent Horobin is also due to get back on court shortly and confesses that tennis coaching is preferable to gardening and DIY.

Off the court the club are moving closer to their goal of seeing their tired and worn out court facilities replaced ,with the club supported by Melton Borough Council, Sport England and Samworth Brothers.