Melton event will help prospective borough and parish councillors

Latest news in the Melton borough EMN-190117-120802001Latest news in the Melton borough EMN-190117-120802001
Latest news in the Melton borough EMN-190117-120802001
People considering standing for election as a councillor in the Melton borough are invited to a special information event next month.

The session will tell prospective candidates all they need to know about the roles of a borough councillor and a parish councillor.

Attendees will find out how they can influence how money is spent to improve services in the Melton area and how they can contribute to making their community safer.

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There will be also be information available on how councillors can help regenerate the town centre and promote tourism across the borough.

The event has been organised, at 6pm on Monday February 11 at the Melton Council offices off Burton Street in the town, ahead of the next borough and parish elections, which take place in May.

Edd de Coverly, chief executive and returning officer for the borough council, said: “Local councils deliver vital public services and can make a positive difference to the area and the communities they serve.

“Becoming a councillor means you can shape these services and represent your community, ensuring their voice is heard across a wider range of issues.

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“I would encourage anyone who wants to find out more about becoming a councillor to attend this event.”

To book a place at the event, email [email protected] or call 01664 502441.

Go online at for more information on becoming a councillor.

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