More memories from Melton's Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Dancers strut their stuff in Melton Market Place for the Platinum JubileeDancers strut their stuff in Melton Market Place for the Platinum Jubilee
Dancers strut their stuff in Melton Market Place for the Platinum Jubilee
The co-ordinator of Melton’s wide-ranging events to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee has thanked the many organisations and individuals who came together to make it all happen.

Matthew O’Callaghan, leader of Melton’s Jubilee Group, has hailed the success of the programme, which included the Royal Proclamation and official lighting of the jubilee beacon, flypasts, concerts, fairs, jamborees, street parties, a museum royal exhibition, vintage cars, craft fairs, flower displays and a tree planting .

He said; “It was great to see Melton come together and over a period of almost two years develop a programme of events that had something for everyone whilst not forgetting the purpose of the activities – to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and to thank her for her 70 years of service.

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"With the exception of the Mayor’s concert, practically the whole programme was funded without the need for council or taxpayers money.”

Knitted decorations for the jubilee on a Melton postboxKnitted decorations for the jubilee on a Melton postbox
Knitted decorations for the jubilee on a Melton postbox

The visit of the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire, in what must have been one of his longest engagements of the jubilee, was a highlight and showed him the range and reach of the activities that had been organised.

Being an optimist Dr O’Callaghan added: “I look forward to celebrating Her Majesty’s next 75th Jubilee in just five years, which I suppose should be called her Ruthenium Jubilee, ruthenium being the next rarest metal to platinum.”

One of the highlights of the extended bank holiday was the flypasts of the town by iconic wartime aircraft, including a Hurricane and Lancaster Bomber.

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They were organised by the father of Sharon Brown, the landlady of the town’s The Grapes pub.

A Hurricane flies over Melton for the Platinum Jubilee

PHOTO MARK WOOLTERTONA Hurricane flies over Melton for the Platinum Jubilee

A Hurricane flies over Melton for the Platinum Jubilee PHOTO MARK WOOLTERTON

Edendale Road resident Mark Woolterton took the stunning photos of the aircraft from his back garden and sent them to us.

There was a great atmosphere in the town centre with dancing in the Market Place at street markets and performances by youngsters in the local music and dance school.

The live entertainment went down well at The Stockyard as well, on the livestock market site, with music and dance performed by talented local youngsters and a set by popular local group, The Junkyard Cats Jazz Band.