Melton teenager’s marathon fundraiser inspired by his mum

Joe Allen, a Melton teenager who is running a marathon to raise money for the NHS EMN-200105-110356001Joe Allen, a Melton teenager who is running a marathon to raise money for the NHS EMN-200105-110356001
Joe Allen, a Melton teenager who is running a marathon to raise money for the NHS EMN-200105-110356001
A Melton teenager has been inspired by his mother’s work as a nurse during the Covid-19 pandemic to raise money for the NHS by running a marathon.

Joe Allen (17), a Year 13 student at Melton Vale Sixth Form College, has been training in the town’s country park once a day to comply with the ongoing social distancing restrictions and he will record the marathon on a digital device to prove he has covered the distance.

He came up with the idea through his admiration for mum Susie, who works as a community nurse in Peterborough.

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Joe, who lives with his family on Hunt Drive, told the Melton Times: “With my mum and close family members working in the NHS and the extra time that I have, I thought it was only right to raise money for the NHS.

“The main reason is because they are risking their own lives to save others and I wanted to show my appreciation by fundraising and show my support, gratitude and respect to workers that are on the frontline and to also make a difference.

“I chose NHS Charities Together as they help to spread the money to charities that are most in need.”

Joe plans to do his marathon on May 15 but says he may run it earlier than that.

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His aim is to raise £250 and he has already received pledges for more than half that amount.

“I have been training a maximum of once a day in the Melton Country Park to stay in line with current guidelines, I have been doing long and short distance running, building up my mileage,” said Joe.

“I do stay fit and have been running much more since lockdown in my spare time with A-levels being cancelled and I’ve also been doing home workouts to improve my fitness.

“I’d like to thank family and friends that have generously donated so far.”

Go online at to make a donation to Joe’s marathon effort.