Melton events to support mental health

A market stall run by members of Pepper's at MeltonA market stall run by members of Pepper's at Melton
A market stall run by members of Pepper's at Melton
A Melton support work has organised a number of events next week to mark Mental Health Awareness Week.

Pepper’s – A Safe Place, a local community mental health organisation, offers regular drop-in sessions every week for anyone struggling chat, socialise, reconnect with others.

They can also play games, have fun or to just sit and relax with a cup of tea in a safe space.

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As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, which takes place from May 9 to 15, Pepper’s has been busy organising events which not only aim to promote the work they do and spread awareness about mental health, but also raise funds that will ensure they can keep supporting those in need.

On the Tuesday and Saturday, members of the support group will be at Melton Livestock Market selling homemade cakes and plants, as well as running a raffle with lots of prizes generously donated by local businesses.

There is also the opportunity to get creative and enter the Pepper’s art and photography competition.

All adults are welcome to come along to the drop-in sessions at 53 King Street on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings.

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Pepper's is for everyone, whether they're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, worried, lonely or their mental health isn't in the best place. There’s no pressure or agenda, just a safe place to come without judgement.

Find out more information about Pepper’s and the events they are running during Mental Health Awareness Week by visiting their website or email at [email protected] for details.