Kirby Bellars man denies illegal foxhunting charge

Court newsCourt news
Court news
A Kirby Bellars man has appeared in court to deny charges of illegally hunting a fox with a dog.

John Oliver Finnegan (35), of Gaddesby Lane, went before Leicester magistrates with fellow Quorn Hunt member, whipper-in Rhys Matcham (29), from Badminton.

They both pleaded not guilty to charges, under the Hunting Act 2004, of hunting a wild mammal with a dog, namely a fox, on February 4 this year, at Breedon-on-the-Hill.

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The men now face trial at Loughborough Magistrates Court on January 11 in a trial expected to last three days.

The case follows an investigation by Leicestershire Police based on evidence obtained by professional investigators working for animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports.