Brave Rose, 9, to cut hair for Little Princess Trust

Rose Hardiman before her head shave for charity  PHOTO: SuppliedRose Hardiman before her head shave for charity  PHOTO: Supplied
Rose Hardiman before her head shave for charity PHOTO: Supplied
A determined little girl who lost her grandmother to cancer will cut her hair to raise funds in her memory.

Rose Hardiman (9), who lives in Stathern and attends Harby Primary School is hoping to raise funds by having her very long blonde locks cut off at the Sophie Kitson Hair studio in Bottesford, on Saturday.

Rose plans to donate her hair and give her cash to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which makes real hair wigs for children who’ve lost their own hair through cancer treatment.

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She said: “I’m a bit worried but excited. I keep going up and down. I’m excited about helping the charity but a bit worried about people’s reaction to my short hair!”

Kay Hardiman Rose’s mum said: “Like many, sadly, Rose has already known friends and family who have been effected by cancer, including her Granny who died from the disease in 2014.

“This is a way for her to do something positive for those people and others undergoing treatment.

“So far Rose has raised over £140 from her school and friends and family via her justgiving page online.”

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