Opinion: We should be looking to the future not the past

Alastair McQuillan, Rutland and Melton Green PartyAlastair McQuillan, Rutland and Melton Green Party
Alastair McQuillan, Rutland and Melton Green Party
The appointment of the newly ennobled Lord David Cameron, as Foreign Secretary has seen us look to the past rather than the future this week, writes Rutland and Melton Green Party’s Alastair Mcquillan.

It got me thinking as to how different our country could be if only we had implemented different ideas from the time when David Cameron was last in front-line politics.

As the temperatures have dropped in recent days, I like most have finally succumbed and put on my central heating. I held out for as long as possible due to the astronomical costs. How different it would be if the Green Party plan to super-insulate every home had been followed back in 2015. Thousands of jobs created in the local economy with warm homes and reduced bills for all. Instead, we have vast profits for privateenergy firms.

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The austerity agenda of the early 2010s is perhaps the real legacy of his six years in Downing Street.

The real-term benefit cuts are blamed for the surge in demand for food banks and the millions of childrenliving in poverty. While the cuts to public services are the primary reason for the desperate state they are in today.

Conservative Failure to invest in the NHS has led to widespread dissatisfaction, 21,000 police officers were cut which led to an increase in crime and local council finances pared back leaving us with more potholes and worse services. All of this hardship faced by the British people failed to decrease the national debt, in fact, it has grown since 2010.

Has he given any thought as to what he would like to do as foreign secretary?

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Will he stand up to Putin as he failed to do so in 2013 when Russia invaded Crimea, will he stand up to the Chinese, having previously hosted them for a state visit at Buckingham Palace?

In 2011 he took a victory parade to Libya to celebrate the ousting of Murmur Gadaffi, 13 years on Libya is a failed state from where a large number of migrants from Africa make the perilous crossing to Europe and some of them on to Britain via small boats across the channel.

If this serial failure is the best the weak Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives can muster then we really do need a general election sooner rather than later so we can minimise the damage they leave behind.