Get your Melton wartime memories displayed on big screen at remembrance service

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Latest News EMN-180510-115457001
An appeal has been made for Melton people to provide wartime photos taken in the town for display at this year's Remembrance Sunday service.

St Mary’s Church will be erecting a big screen, for those who attend on Sunday November 11, showing memories from the First and Second World War.

With this year marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War, the organisers are hoping to be able to show pictures of celebrations taking place in Melton on Armistice Day in 1918.

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Muffled bells will be rung out at St Mary’s at 11am on November 11, exactly a century on from the end of hostilities, and they will ring unmuffled at 7pm, when a beacon will be lit in Play Close.

The town also plans a special tribute by putting up giant poppies on lamp standards with the names of Melton’s fallen on them.

Email Phil Balding at [email protected] call him on 01664 564227 if you would like your photos of wartime memories in Melton to be shown on the big screen during the Remembrance Sunday service.

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