Woman fined after her household waste was dumped on farmland

Rubbish from a Melton resident's home is discovered on local farmland - the woman involved has been fined for using an unregistered refuse collector
PHOTO MELTON BOROUGH COUNCIL EMN-201215-085506001Rubbish from a Melton resident's home is discovered on local farmland - the woman involved has been fined for using an unregistered refuse collector
Rubbish from a Melton resident's home is discovered on local farmland - the woman involved has been fined for using an unregistered refuse collector PHOTO MELTON BOROUGH COUNCIL EMN-201215-085506001
A Melton resident has been fined £134 after some of her household waste ended up dumped on local farmland.

Mica Krotochwil had paid to have the rubbish removed but she used an unregistered collector, which breaches a householder’s duty of care.

It was found by a farmer, on May 3 this year, with foliage placed on top and was traced back to her home.

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Ms Krotochwil admitted failing to make the relevant checks to ensure her waste was removed by a registered waste carrier when she appeared before Leicester Magistrates Court on November 30.

Her fine penalty included the cost of clearing up the rubbish and a victim surcharge.

Melton Borough Council leader Joe Orson, whose authority brought the prosection, said: “We want to remind residents that disposal of their waste is their own responsibility.

“If residents are unable to dispose of their waste themselves, they should only use services provided by a registered waste carrier to ensure it is disposed of in the correct manner.

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“Using an unregistered waste carrier increases the likelihood of the waste being fly-tipped, as happened in this case and householders are still accountable.”

He said court cases like this one are neccesary to reinforce behaviour which prevents incidents of fly-tipping and protects the countryside.

“It is imperative that residents ensure their waste is being disposed of correctly,” Councillor Orson added.

“We want to ensure our local environment is protected.

“As part of this, incorrect waste disposal that harms our natural, rural environment is a matter we take very seriously and enforcement action will be taken.”

Go to the council website at www.melton.gov.uk for information on how to dispose of waste legally.