Appeal to provide computers for disadvantaged Melton schoolchildren

An appeal has been launched for donations of laptops or tablet computers for use by schoolchildren in Melton during the Covid lockdown EMN-211201-113257001An appeal has been launched for donations of laptops or tablet computers for use by schoolchildren in Melton during the Covid lockdown EMN-211201-113257001
An appeal has been launched for donations of laptops or tablet computers for use by schoolchildren in Melton during the Covid lockdown EMN-211201-113257001
An appeal has been launched to provide computers for Melton schoolchildren from disadvantaged families to use for their studies at home during the ongoing coronavirus lockdown.

Primary and secondary schools in the town are currently closed to all students other than those identified as vulnerable or who have a parent who is a designated key worker during the pandemic.

Not all families can afford to provide laptops or tablet computers for their children so pub landlord, Sharon Brown, has stepped in to help.

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Sharon, who has already coordinated a remarkable campaign to provide food and provisions for struggling families in the area over the last 10 months, is seeking donations of computers or cash pledges to help buy some.

She told the Melton Times: “I’m trying to get donations of computers or tablets for home learning for our local schoolchildren and the aim is to help families who are suffering hardship because not everyone is lucky enough to have one at home.

“I’m collecting money which will buy tablets for local schools and the secondhand ones will be pat tested, wiped of information and properly checked before they are given to children.”

Lisa Godber, who collected hundreds of toys to give out to disadvantaged children as Christmas presents, is selling those left over to provide more money for the computer appeal.

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Sharon, who runs The Grapes pub, which is currently closed due to Covid restrictions, added: “If we collect seven computers we will give one to each school in the town.

“The headteachers will make the appropriate decisions on who the computers go to.

“We are asking for people to show that Melton community spirit again to help us with the appeal.”

Call Sharon on 07837 398610 if you would like to help.

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