Bethany to lose hair for Little Princess Trust

Bethany Haynes before her head shave for charity PHOTO: SuppliedBethany Haynes before her head shave for charity PHOTO: Supplied
Bethany Haynes before her head shave for charity PHOTO: Supplied
A brave little girl has decided to lose her glowing locks to raise money for a cancer charity.

Frisby Primary School pupil Bethany Haynes (9), hopes to raise funds by having ten inches of her hair cut off at Melton’s Jago’s Hair Design and Beauty Centre, on Saturday.

Bethany plans to donate her hair and give her cash to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which makes real wigs for children who’ve lost their own hair through cancer treatment.

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She said: “I’m fundraising because I heard there were children that had problems with hair loss, either due to treatments or other medical conditions.

“I have been growing my hair since I was little and I want to donate it as I know mine can grow back again.

“I’m hoping to raise £350 which is the average cost for a wig to be made.

“Please donate as much as you can to help me reach my fundraising target and give a child a boost to their confidence when they receive their wig.”

So far, at the time of going to press Bethany has raised £184 online.

l To donate visit